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Web Components

Web3Modal's web components are custom and reusable HTML tags. They will work across modern browsers, and can be used with any JavaScript library or framework that works with HTML.


Web components are global html elements that don't require importing.

List of optional properties for Web3Modal web components

<w3m-button />

disabledEnable or disable the button.boolean
balanceShow or hide the user's balance.'show' or 'hide'
sizeDefault size for the button.'md' or 'sm'
labelThe text shown in the button.string
loadingLabelThe text shown in the button when the modal is open.string

<w3m-account-button />

disabledEnable or disable the button.boolean
balanceShow or hide the user's balance.'show' or 'hide'

<w3m-connect-button />

sizeDefault size for the button.'md' or 'sm'
labelThe text shown in the button.string
loadingLabelThe text shown in the button when the modal is open.string

<w3m-network-button />

disabledEnable or disable the button.boolean